Lukasz Golab

Department of Management Science and Engineering
David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science (cross-appointed)
University of Waterloo

Email: lgolab at uwaterloo dot ca

Bio: I obtained a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Toronto in 2001 (with High Distinction) and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo in 2006 (with Alumni Gold Medal). From 2006 to 2011 I was a Senior Member of Research Staff at AT&T Labs. I joined Waterloo in 2011 and held the title of Canada Research Chair from 2014 to 2024. My long-term research agenda of Data for Good calls for building data-centric systems with societal impact. Recent projects focus on improving the performance and scalability of systems for managing high-speed data events such as blockchains and data stream systems; understanding models and the data they learn from, toward explainable AI; and data science applications such as wellness, education, work-integrated-learning, and sustainability.

Selected projects and publications (see here for DBLP profile)

1. Explainable AI 2. Bringing order to data (pattern discovery / data cleaning) 3. NLP (hate speech detection / sentence simplification / text mining) 4. Decentralized and high-speed data systems (blockchains / real-time analytics) 5. Educational data mining 6. Data analytics for sustainability